Monday, February 9, 2009

Three R’s: Recruit, Retain, and Recognize!

While marketing efforts recruit volunteers, and HR management practices retain them, what really keeps volunteers coming back? Volunteers need to know that they are appreciated! You can never assume that volunteers know this, so simple recognition of their contributions must be part of the formal and informal operations of any organization. It’s a known fact that recognition contributes to productivity, morale and retention, and with new technologies it’s easy to recognize your volunteers: send them a friendly email or e-card, mention their names in your newsletter, and if you are on any social networking sites, thank your volunteers for all their friends to see.

We’re hosting a program at the Volunteer Center on Wednesday, February 11, on "Volunteer Recognition as a Retention Strategy." Join area volunteer managers to brainstorm and discuss great ways to recognize volunteers. To sign up, contact Tess Tomasi, Training Manger at 201-489-9454, ext. 114, or

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