As of August 1st we have 45 Rider Members and 20
Volunteer Drivers. Ideally we need a 2
-1 ratio so we are ALWAYS recruiting drivers who can provide as little as one
ride per month although more is much appreciated. Try it – you’ll like it!
Driving our members where they want to go, when they need to
get there, is incredibly rewarding. Bringing
Roy from his house in Allendale to rehab in Saddle Brook always brings with it
interesting and intellectual conversations.
Driving Doris from her home in Ft. Lee to her favorite shopping mall is
a laugh filled ride that’s always inspiring and uplifting. We are so happy to be able to bring Trudy to
visit her husband in rehab for lunch several times per week. She would otherwise have no other way to get
from her home in Paramus up to Rockleigh that would be affordable.
We’ll continue to work hard to make iTNNorthJersey a
continued success and please reach out to us anytime for more information;
suggestions and good wishes are always appreciated.
We’re enjoying the ride and so can you!
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