Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Fundamentals of Grant Writing

Fundamentals of Grant Writing, our next timely and topical training, will be presented on Thursday, May 20, from 9:30 am to noon at the Volunteer Center in Hackensack. The fee is $35 and includes refreshments and course materials.

Approximately $35 billion is awarded in foundation grants annually. However, the significant declines in the stock market are resulting in increased competition for limited foundation dollars.

“Funders will be taking a closer look at where and how they award grants,” says Janet Sharma, Executive Director of the Volunteer Center. “Nonprofits will need to pay close attention to guidelines and develop dynamic proposals in order to be competitive.”

This workshop is beginning level and includes an introduction to foundation research and grant writing. Participants will learn to navigate tricky grant guidelines and organize information into clear, concise proposals.

Fundamentals of Grant Writing is part of a series designed specifically by the Volunteer Center's Nonprofit Training and Resource Center for staff and volunteers in non-profit agencies. The workshop is highly interactive and hands-on, providing both an enjoyable and meaningful learning experience.

Pre-registration and pre-payment of the $35 fee is required; the deadline for registration is May 17th. For more information or to register click here or e-mail training@bergenvolunteers.org, or call (201) 489-9454, ext.114.

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