One of life's most important lessons is learning how to make choices. Children being mentored through our
VIPS (Volunteers in Protective Services) and
Mentoring Moms programs got a first hand look at the importance of making choices when inmates of the state prison came to talk about how good people can make bad choices. Presented by the N.J. Department of Corrections and known as
Project P.R.I.D.E. (Promoting Responsibility In Drug Education), the program went way beyond teaching the kids and their mentors about drugs. It brought home the realization that choices have consequences and that the wrong choices can have dire consequences. As painful as the stories of the young prisoners were to hear, they were also inspirational and compelling.
"By the end of the evening, all of us in attendance were rooting for these young people who had made some bad choices that will affect the rest of their lives. More importantly, the children were listening and heard the message," said Cheryl Carroll, VIPS Program Director.
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