Wednesday, November 11, 2020

CHORE Volunteers Detect Gas Leak at Ruby’s Home


“My CHORE volunteer detected a gas leak in my home"
The change in seasons prompted Ruby to call Bergen Volunteers to have her air conditioner removed. CHORE volunteers arrived at her home prepared to do the simple task of weatherizing her home for the winter.

They noticed a distinct smell permeating from the kitchenThey asked her if she could identify the source of the smell. Ruby, confused by their question, said she did not detect any odor. She assured the volunteers everything was fine and assumed it was probably garbage outside.
CHORE volunteers visiting Ruby's home.
CHORE volunteer, Ed insisted Ruby reach out to PSE&G to make sure the smell was not dangerous.
CHORE volunteers with Ruby at her home.
Ed and his crew waited with Ruby to make sure she was safe. As soon as the PSE&G representative arrived he found a gas leak in her kitchen, which he quickly controlled.

Ruby was overwhelmed with joy that her CHORE volunteers were able to smell that something was wrong and coordinate help for her within minutes. 

CHORE volunteers are oftentimes the eyes and ears of distant family members. This time for Ruby, they were the eyes, ears, and nose.
Thanks to donors like you, our CHORE volunteers like Ed will continue serving the community ensuring safety for our elderly neighbors.

With a gift of $100, you too can support our elderly neighbors enabling them to live safely and independently in their homes.

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