Before signing up, please take note of the following: This race is spread out in New Jersey, New
York State and Manhattan. Before signing
up for a volunteer position please take note of its location. Volunteers must be able and willing to walk
or bike at least one mile. There is NO VEHICLE ACCESS to many of the volunteer
locations. Volunteer transportation will be provided to the transition area and
finish via ferry from NYC and NJ locations, a more detailed plan will be
provided closer to race day. Large groups have taken over certain areas of
the course, so if you do not see the position you want online, please select
another one.
To volunteer as a group, email Sarah, the Volunteer
Director: nyc@ironmanvolunteers.com. Groups are considered to be 20+ volunteers. For information on how you can get involved,
visit the
Ironman US Championship at their website by clicking here.
Ironman US Championship at their website by clicking here.
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